We were going to share Helen’s tales from Ireland this week,
but guess what...technology failed us!! Helen’s computer is quite poorly and
needs some major treatment to make it better! Hopefully we will be able to
retrieve her lovely pictures and share them with you next week. Our first
blogging lesson...always back it up!!
We hope you have all had fun either seeking out yarn, or
actually crocheting...and maybe even completing your cowls this week. We would
love it if you could share them with us using the comments box at the bottom of
this post or even email them to us at hankandskein@gmail.com. We would love to show them and get them up on the blog!
But...I must be practical with a 22kg baggage allowance between two!!
My Lovely slippers & Blanket |
My cosy socks |
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The perfect hat for Spring |
My next dilemma is which project...or maybe projects to pack.
As we have mentioned, both Helen and I often have numerous projects on the
go at once…the question is, what can I manage to fit in without taking up too
much of my hubbies luggage quota? I have been making these two at a time toe up
socks for quite a while now, so this may be the perfect opportunity to get
them completed and off my needles! Plus they are very portable in my super small
project bag, which in true Blue Peter style…I made earlier! Maybe...just
maybe...I will find a small yarn shop whilst I am away!
I am not a skier, but am looking forward to a little Aprẽs
ski and of course some lovely Swiss chocolate, especially as I have been on the
British Heart Foundation Dechox for March...I have even dreamt of chocolate! I think an airport Toblerone may be purchased on the way out!
Anyway I will be waving goodbye to Helen this morning and
heading off to Switzerland now and will try to get lots of chocolate box
pictures to share with you in a couple of weeks!!!
Happy crafting!!